Dr. NIYIBIZI François Xavier

Graduate school: None

Education: None

Degree: None

Unit: None

Dr. NIYIBIZI François Xavier holds a Bachelor of Management, Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, MBA (Finance and accounting) and PhD (Finance, accounting and auditing). He has over six years teaching experience in Rwandan Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs).

He published various articles in national and transnational reputable management journals. In addition to the teaching activities, He served as Director of Quality Assurance, secretary of the faculty, member of the scientific committee, member of committee in charge of preparation of Open Distance Leaning (ODL) and Head of Department.   Working as Director of Quality Assurance, he has organized various assessments on academic quality and the review of curriculum of accounting, Microfinance, Rural Development and Entrepreneurship.

His research in progress includes Accounting education in Rwanda. He is completing Certified Public Accountants with KASNEB (Kenya).

E-mail: niyibizifx@gmail.com;
