Dr. BIRARO Mireille

Graduate school: None

Education: None

Degree: None

Unit: None

Dr. Mireille BIRARO is a permanent lecturer in the department of Land Administration and Management and the Director of International Relations at INES Ruhengeri. She is also the executive secretary of the Eastern Africa Land Administration Network (ealan-network.org). 

She has a PhD in Land Policy and Governance from Bahir Dar University in Ethiopia; an MSc in Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation for Land Administration from the University of Twente in the Netherlands and BSc in Urban Planning for the University of Rwanda. From 2009 to 2012, she worked as a Professional in charge of GIS for Land Registration in the National Land Authority (the former Rwanda Natural Resources Authority) under the Rwanda Land Tenure Regularisation Program.


Her research interest includes land (administration) information system and land governance. Some of her publications are the following:

1) Biraro, M.; Khan, S.; Konguka, G.; Ngabo, V.; Kanyiginya, V.; Tumusherure W., Jossam, P.; (2015). Access to the land tenure administration system in Rwanda and the impacts of the system on ordinary citizens. GeoTechRwanda 2015, Kigali (in progress)

2) Biraro, M.; Bennett, R.M. and Lemmen, C., (2015). Accelerated Land Administration Updates, In: Zevenbergen, J.A, De Vries, W.A, and Bennett, R.M., (2015), Advances in Responsible Land Administration, CRC Press, United States.

3) Biraro, M.; Zevenbergen, J.; Alemie, B.K. (2021). Good Practices in updating land information systems that used unconventional approaches in systematic land
registration. Land 2021, 10, 437. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10040437

4) Biraro, M.; Zevenbergen, J.; Alemie, B.K. (2022). Updating land information systems created using unconventional approaches. African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences, 5(1)  ISSN:2657-2664, https://revues.imist.ma/index.php/AJLP-GS/article/view/30441/15883